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ISSR Marker Plant Identification Services

Explore our ISSR Marker Plant Identification Services for precise species identification. Ideal for agriculture, forestry, and conservation, we provide reliable DNA-based solutions to verify plant authenticity and diversity.

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ISSR Marker Plant Identification Services

ISSR Marker Plant Identification Services use DNA markers to create unique genetic fingerprints, ensuring accurate plant species identification, crucial for agriculture, forestry, and conservation efforts.

₹ 9000
Per Sample

Our service extracts DNA, amplifies it using ISSR primers, and analyzes the unique patterns generated. These patterns are compared to a reference database for precise identification. This method supports the verification of genetic authenticity, crucial for breeding programs, conservation efforts, and ecological research. It ensures that plant species are correctly identified, aiding in biodiversity protection and sustainable agriculture.

Our ISSR Marker Plant Identification Service follows a detailed, step-by-step process to ensure precise and reliable identification of plant species. Below is an overview of the key stages involved:

  1. Sample Collection

    Collect plant tissue samples ensuring proper labeling and storage to preserve DNA integrity, which is crucial for accurate downstream analysis in the identification process.
  2. DNA Extraction

    Extract DNA using standardized protocols to obtain pure genetic material, setting the foundation for successful amplification and accurate identification.
  3. PCR Amplification

    Amplify specific DNA regions using ISSR primers in a PCR machine, generating polymorphic DNA fragments that will be used for identification.
  4. Gel Electrophoresis

    Separate the amplified DNA fragments on an agarose gel to visualize unique banding patterns, which are critical for species identification.
  5. Data Analysis

    Analyze the banding patterns using specialized software to create a genetic fingerprint, ensuring precision in species differentiation.
  6. Comparison with Database

    Compare the genetic fingerprint with a reference database to accurately determine the species identity or verify the plant's genetic integrity.
  7. Result Interpretation

    Interpret the DNA analysis results, providing insights into the species' identity, and delivering a detailed report with comprehensive findings.
  8. Final Report

    Prepare and deliver a final report to the client, summarizing the identification process, results, and any relevant data insights.
  9. Client Consultation (Optional)

    Offer consultation to discuss the results, providing recommendations and insights based on the genetic analysis findings.
  10. Follow-up Services

    Provide additional testing, re-analysis, or further consultation based on client needs, ensuring satisfaction and thorough investigation.