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Aquatic Biofertilizers

Enhance aquatic crop growth and improve water quality with NTHRYS Aquatic Biofertilizers. Naturally boost productivity in aquatic environments for a variety of crops.

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Aquatic Biofertilizers by NTHRYS

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Various Crops that can Utilize Aquatic Biofertilizers

  1. Rice
  2. Watercress
  3. Kangkong (Water spinach)
  4. Taro
  5. Lotus
  6. Water chestnut
  7. Water hyacinth
  8. Watercress
  9. Azolla
  10. Hydrilla
  11. Water lily
  12. Duckweed
  13. Algae
  14. Spirulina
  15. Duck potatoes
  16. Pennywort
  17. Floating ferns
  18. Water lettuce
  19. Rice paddy herbs
  20. Marsh marigold
  21. Pickerelweed
  22. Wild rice
  23. Water pepper
  24. Yellow iris
  25. Reeds
  26. Bulrush
  27. Arrowhead
  28. Water plantain
  29. Blue-green algae
  30. Wolffia

Various Stages of Crop for Application

Aquatic Biofertilizers are particularly effective when applied during the early stages of crop development or after transplantation in aquatic environments to enhance nutrient availability and improve water quality.


These biofertilizers improve nutrient cycling in aquatic environments, enhance the growth of aquatic plants, and contribute to better water quality, leading to increased productivity and healthier aquatic ecosystems.

Storage / Shelf Lifing

NTHRYS Aquatic Biofertilizers should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. They have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months when stored under proper conditions.

Application Process

For aquatic environments, apply 5-10 kg per hectare directly into the water or soil. For foliar application in floating crops, dissolve 2-5 kg in water and spray during key growth stages. Ensure even distribution for optimal results.

Contact Point: +91-8977624748