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NTHRYS Publications


NTHRYS Publications

  1. NTHRYS Biotechnology & Life Sciences Publications

  2. NTHRYS Bioinformatics Publications

  3. NTHRYS Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics Publications

  4. NTHRYS Biomedical Publications

  5. NTHRYS Environmental Sciences Publications

  6. NTHRYS Embedded Systems Publications

  7. NTHRYS Robotics Publications



Biotechnology & Life Sciences Publications

  1. Biotechnology & Life Sciences Publications - Published

    1. An insight on the Antigen preparation strategies involved in the production of polyclonal antibodies against Oligodendrogliomas [Cerebral Tumours]
  2. Biotechnology & Life Sciences Publications - Under Review

    1. An insight on bone marrow stem cell based approach to repair hepatocytes isolated from drug-induced liver damage subjects.
    2. A detailed study on the probabilities of designing diagnostic molecular markers for Hepatitis C virus/ A molecular & immunological study on the presence of adeno virus in various gastrointestinal cancer subjects.
    3. A tissue engineering approach on enhancement of stem cell transformations using novel Nanofibre scaffolds in hepatocyte repair.
    4. An insight on the identification of Cancer stem cells using novel immunological and molecular strategies.
    5. A comparative study on Lactose fermentation kinetics of 4 different lactobacillus strains in production of yogurt
    6. A detailed study on the probabilities of designing diagnostic molecular marker for hepatitis C virus.
  3. Biotechnology & Life Sciences Publications - Under Pipeline

    1. Formulation of a new submerged fermentation process for the production of biofungicide
    2. Formulation of new incubator for cultivation of GHG oxiding bacteria
    3. Production of a better immunosuppressant with standardized aspects compared to that of its predecessor in the domain
    4. Antimicrobial & Anticarcinogenic properties of bovine lactoferricin B6 extracted from various natural sources



Bioinformatics Publications

  1. Bioinformatics Publications - Published

    1. Alzheimer disease: An interactome of many diseases
    2. Conserved HIV Wide Spectrum Antipeptides-A Hope for HIV Treatment
    3. Epitope designing on avian influenza disease.
    4. Molecular docking studies of wide spectrum targets in Staphylococcus aureus- An aim towards finding potent inhibitors
  2. Bioinformatics Publications - Under Review

    1. Polymerase PB2 protein discovery as a new target protein and study of antiviral drug against influenza A virus
    2. Virtual screening and docking study of CADA analogues against gp120-CD4 interaction- A vital interaction for viral entry
  3. Bioinformatics Publications - Under Pipeline

    1. Standardizing a new Micro-array Data Analysis Algorithm to study the virus induced Auto-Immune disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    2. Rubella viral research
    3. HPV Research
    4. Processing 20000 epitopes using 5 different algorithms for sorting out most propable causing factor for selected auto immune disorders
    5. Natural Cancer suppressor in mammals - In silico approach [Gene and protein name not mentioned here]
    6. Hyperthyroidism - a door way to the world of hormonal metabolism
    7. A Study on antiviral drug against influenza A virus



Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics Publications

  1. Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics Publications - Published

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later
  2. Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics Publications - Under Review

    1. Comparative analysis of the expression levels of AMPAR - GluR2 subunit coding gene between smart drug treated and untreated subjects.
  3. Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics Publications - Under Pipeline

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later



Biomedeical Publications

  1. Biomedeical Publications - Published

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  2. Biomedeical Publications - Under Review

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later
  3. Biomedeical Publications - Under Pipeline

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Environmental Sciences Publications

  1. Environmental Sciences Publications - Published

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later
  2. Environmental Sciences Publications - Under Review

    1. Designing a combinational DNA Barcoding system to classify and organize Biodiversity Data.
    2. A novel study on the role various aquatic plants in absorbing hexavalent chromium carcinogen from polluted waters.
    3. A novel study on the effect of medical waste on various sensitive ecosystems in rural areas.
    4. Isolation and screening various microorganisms which are capable of biodegrading surfactants present in polluted waters.
    5. A study on the Ecosystem revival in petroleum oil spill polluted water body by employing biodegradation approaches using psychrophilic gamma proteobacteria.
    6. A differential study on microbial & molecular effects in various plants grown in the vicinity of petroleum contaminated soils.
    7. A Community profiling study of various microbes involved in biodegradation of hydrocarbons in petroleum contaminated soils.
    8. Clinical Research studies on infection probabilities of 12 diseases in the regions polluted with medical wastes.
    9. A novel study on Soil heavy metal pollutants and their plant metabolic destinations.
    10. Impact of 5 filamentous bacteria for the altering macro nutrient composition in manure procured from activated sludge.
    11. Water quality assessments for 5 major drinking water bodies for carcinogenic and E.coli contaminants pollution in Hyderabad.
    12. Genetic alterations study in Tp53 gene in various papillary & non papillary tumors in bladder cancer subjects exposed to high levels of chlordane based pollutants.
    13. A brief study on the effect of petroleum contamination on soil respiraion in agricultural land masses.
    14. Molecular profiling of Rhizospere bacerial communities of plants grown in soils with petroleum contaminants.
  3. Environmental Sciences Publications - Under Pipeline

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later



Embedded Publications

  1. Embedded Publications - Published

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later
  2. Embedded Publications - Under Review

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  3. Embedded Publications - Under Pipeline

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later



Robotics Publications

  1. Robotics Publications - Published

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later
  2. Robotics Publications - Under Review

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later
  3. Robotics Publications - Under Pipeline

    1. This section is under modification... pls visit later

Note: NTHRYS currently operates through three registered entities: NTHRYS BIOTECH LABS (NBL), NTHRYS OPC PVT LTD (NOPC), and NTHRYS Project Greenshield (NPGS).

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