

NTHRYS has launched essential services to protect Earth's cradle, tackling pollution in soil, water, and air. Our mission is to preserve this home for all life and ensure a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.


Our Earth is Our Responsibility

Our Earth is not just our home but a shared legacy; safeguarding it is our collective duty to ensure a thriving planet for all future generations

Soil Pollution Solutions

Soil is fundamental to the health of our ecosystems, providing essential nutrients and supporting plant growth. However, pollution can severely impact soil quality, affecting agriculture and natural habitats. NTHRYS offers innovative soil pollution solutions to restore and rejuvenate contaminated lands.

Bioremediation Techniques

Our bioremediation services use microorganisms to break down pollutants in the soil. This natural process helps convert harmful substances into less toxic forms, effectively cleaning the soil while enhancing its fertility.


We utilize plants known for their ability to absorb and accumulate contaminants. This technique not only cleans the soil but also promotes the restoration of natural habitats.

Soil Stabilization

For soils impacted by erosion or degradation, our soil stabilization methods strengthen soil structure, reducing erosion and enhancing its capacity to support vegetation.

Water Purification Services

Water is essential for life, and its quality directly affects human health and environmental sustainability. NTHRYS is committed to providing cutting-edge water purification solutions to address various types of water pollution.

Industrial Effluent Treatment

Our industrial effluent treatment services focus on removing contaminants from wastewater generated by industries. We employ advanced filtration and chemical treatment processes to ensure that treated water meets regulatory standards before being released into the environment.

Urban Wastewater Management

Urban areas produce substantial amounts of wastewater that can pollute water bodies if not properly managed. Our urban wastewater management solutions include state-of-the-art treatment facilities and technologies to efficiently handle and purify urban wastewater.

Groundwater Remediation

Contaminated groundwater poses a significant risk to drinking water sources and ecosystems. We offer comprehensive groundwater remediation services to address contamination issues and restore groundwater quality.

Air Quality Improvement

Clean air is vital for maintaining both environmental and human health. NTHRYS provides advanced solutions to improve air quality and reduce pollutants that affect respiratory health and the environment.

Air Filtration Systems

We design and implement high-efficiency air filtration systems to remove particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other harmful substances from the air. These systems are suitable for both industrial and residential applications.

Emission Control Technologies

Our emission control technologies focus on reducing pollutants released into the atmosphere from various sources, including industrial processes and transportation. We utilize advanced technologies such as scrubbers and catalytic converters to minimize air pollution.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Indoor air quality is crucial for health, especially in enclosed spaces. We provide solutions to monitor and improve indoor air quality, addressing issues such as mold, allergens, and indoor pollutants.

Forests Protection

Forests are vital for biodiversity, climate regulation, and air purification. NTHRYS is dedicated to preserving these critical environments through reforestation projects, anti-deforestation initiatives, and forest management practices.

Reforestation Projects

Our reforestation projects aim to restore degraded forest areas, enhance biodiversity, and combat climate change. By planting native species and rehabilitating deforested lands, we contribute to the recovery of forest ecosystems.

Anti-Deforestation Initiatives

We work to prevent deforestation by promoting sustainable land use practices and supporting policies that protect forested areas. Our efforts include collaborating with local communities and governments to ensure long-term forest conservation.

Desertification Control

Desertification threatens agricultural productivity and biodiversity. NTHRYS addresses this issue through sustainable land management practices and desert reclamation projects.

Sustainable Land Management

We implement techniques to prevent soil erosion and restore fertility in arid regions. These practices include contour plowing, agroforestry, and the use of organic amendments.

Desert Reclamation Projects

Our reclamation projects focus on transforming degraded desert areas into productive landscapes. By employing techniques such as afforestation and water conservation, we aim to improve the resilience of desert environments.

Oceans Protection

Oceans are crucial for regulating climate and supporting marine life. NTHRYS offers services to address ocean pollution and promote marine conservation.

Marine Pollution Cleanup

Our marine pollution cleanup efforts focus on removing plastic waste, oil spills, and other contaminants from ocean waters. We use advanced technologies and coordinated cleanup operations to restore marine environments.

Marine Conservation Programs

We support marine conservation through programs aimed at protecting endangered species, preserving coral reefs, and maintaining healthy marine ecosystems. Our initiatives include marine protected areas and research partnerships.

Mountain Ecosystems Preservation

Mountain ecosystems are vital for water resources and biodiversity. NTHRYS is committed to preserving these environments through conservation efforts and sustainable practices.

Mountain Conservation Efforts

We work to protect mountain ecosystems from the impacts of mining, deforestation, and climate change. Our conservation efforts include habitat restoration and the promotion of sustainable land use practices.

Sustainable Practices

Our sustainable practices in mountain regions involve promoting eco-friendly tourism, reducing human impact on sensitive areas, and supporting local communities in conservation efforts.