At NTHRYS, we are committed to maintaining a high standard of expertise and professionalism. Before applying for any position with us, please ensure you meet the following eligibility criteria for technical placements only:
Candidates who do not have done proper project work / internship as mentioned above and still want to join NTHRYS, they will have a probation period of 9 months where only half of the salary will be paid.
NTHRYS is thoroughly research-driven organization, and we do not entertain applications from candidates with solely monetary motivations. We seek dedicated individuals with a passion for research and development.
We regularly receive resumes from Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral candidates. However, 99% of these applicants either lack sufficient subject matter expertise, have prioritized their financial or personal lives over their research development, or are inexperienced freshers or simply junk freshers
If you don’t want to end up like the candidates mentioned above, please ensure you undertake research-oriented projects and internships strictly under the guidance of industry mentors who have successfully launched at least one recognized international product from a registered company. Start your career with a strong foundation. Do not simply follow your HODs or college guides blindly. Avoid becoming just another sales point, like a sheep doing whatever they say regarding projects and internships, as this will likely lead to poor prospects in the life sciences sector.
Please forward your resume to h r [ a t ] nthrys [d 0 t] com.Emails without a subject line, a proper email body, or a proper email format, and those lacking a proper signature, will be automatically deleted and the sender blacklisted in our database.